Sunday, 31 October 2010

Oh happy days ♥

Well the weekend.. what can I say!
Its been great, I got to see my baby boy for the weekend, its been pretty amazing, i've also been pretty busy which of course means 'i didn't get time to eat!'
Friday night was pretty bad actually, I just felt down and depressed from people, I went up to the pub that we own for a bit just to see my boyfriend for 2 hours, that made things up for what went wrong :) But then I missed him when I came home.
Saturday I was at the pub pretty much ALL day, firstly working the breakfast shift, then I had to host a chlidrens halloween party with my best friend which was all fun fun fun! Face-painting, Dancing, Chlidrens games. Oh I miss being a child and not having a care in the world! Then I was suppose to go out but i've been banned from all parties this year -.- after what happened last year (you don't want to know) but I stayed at the pub's party where the staff can keep an eye on me, and I was with my boyfriend who looked as hot as ever dressed up as Clark Kent. I was just a traditional vampire...
Sunday (today) I just spent the morning with him before he had to go back to Sheffeild :'( not good, but it was nice just sittting around whilst it was raining outside watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the old version) but then the tears came as he had to go! Tonight im not doing much just giving out sweets to the trick-or-treaters!
Oh i've fount this picture that im totally in love with for some reason. well I would have posted the picture but it won't let me -.-
Take care x

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